Then we went to Office Max so I could buy some colorful pens for scrapbooking. I haven't gotten the opportunity to use them yet, but I'm very excited.
Then we went to Half Price Books. Kevin bought two records (West Side Story and something by Frank Sinatra) and the O.C. Season 2 on DVD for only 20$! Awesome deal. Good thing, too - we're burning through the first season. We only have 5 more episodes left!
Finally we went to HEB and bought groceries galore. I love food shopping. I need to learn how to make more things, though. Bleh. I do love Lean Cuisines, though.
That evening we went to dinner with some friends at Ozona before returning to the house to get our fill of the O.C. So wonderfully addictive.
Today has been a cleaning day. I completely cleaned my room and it is marvelous! Isn't it so much better when your space isn't messy? Too bad I'm too lazy to keep it this way!
I emailed my mom the other day and asked her if we happened to have a typewriter, because I've really been in the mood for one. I just love the way they look. It was perfect timing, too - she is at my grandfather's house for the weekend and he has an adorable 1958 portable Royal! And he is letting me use it. He said that as long as I want it I can have it, and I only need return it if I'm no longer using it. My mom sent me a picture -
No idea if these are the colors or not, but either way I am so excited! I cannot wait to have it.
Happy Father's Day, everyone! I called my Daddy today and he and my sister are coming to visit me soon. I am very much looking forward to it. I love him very much - he is the kind of dad that all of your friends think is really cool and he's just as silly as can be. As he would say, sometimes he "just thinks funny thoughts."
Time is going by very fast... I have a paper due in less than two weeks and it's not long before this summer session is over. I hope your weekend was great, too. What was your favorite thing you did?
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