Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Google Doodle - Takashi Murakami

Who does't love the Google Doodles?  Did you see the one where it was a guitar you could actually play and record for Les Paul's birthday?  Or the one where a dancer spells out the doodle in honor of Martha Graham's birthday?

Well today's doodle isn't really interactive, but as I'm interested in Japanese culture, it caught my attention.

Today's doodle is in honor of the Summer Solstice, drawn by Takashi Murakami, a contemporary Japanese artist known for blurring the boundaries between low and high art, similar to Andy Warhol in the 60's.  He is known for founding the postmodern "Superflat" movement.

Some of his work that I thought was really cool:

Tan Tan Bo Puking - Takashi Murakami [source]

Tongari-Kun by Takashi Murakami [source]

What do you think of his style?  What about the blurring of high and low art?

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